Supporting materials Creative resources

Everything you need at the click of a mouse

Every day during the winter months, too many people in the UK die from illnesses caused by being too cold in their homes. The FREE resources on this site provide clear, consistent, and actionable information for organisations and the public to reduce the impact of the cold weather and improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable. The toolkit has been developed in line with the Department of Health Cold Weather Plan for England and the Warm Homes Healthy People programme.

The resources in this toolkit have been broken down by target audience. This means that the pre-tested messages, images and materials are reaching the right people at the right time; whether this is managers, front line staff, the media and of course the vulnerable.

Click on the links below to access the resources available.

The campaign and resources are targeted at staff and the public. Blue resources include messages to inform staff and orange resources are for staff to pass onto the public.

To access brand guidelines and other design materials click on the creative resources button. To access templates for posters, leaflets, press releases, planning checklists, information for reports, key statistics and myth busting facts as well as other great stuff, click on the buttons below.

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